GSI Coffee Rocket Vs Ultralight Java Drip

I picked up a GSI Coffee Rocket last year at an REI garage sale for around $5. I had already had the UL Java Drip and had used it a few times. I thought I’d brew identical cups of coffee and compare the two head to head.

Coffee Rocket on the left, UL Java Drip on the right.

The Coffee Rocket comes in at 2.1 ounces, and fits nicely into the GSI Infinity mugs that I use while backpacking. The UL Java Drip comes in at .4 ounces and the legs fold down and bend easily enough to stuff in the Infinity mug as well.

Both make a good cup of coffee but the Coffee Rocket is SLOW. It can also only handle 8oz of water at a time and if you want a strong cup you’d have to replace the grounds between pours as well. The Java Drip is way easier to use, quicker, and I think easier to clean up as well. Just toss the grounds in your trash bag and give it a quick rinse and its done.

I dont bring these all the time, usually I’m just lazy and make instant coffee while hiking. But occasionally its worth the extra effort, they do make a cup of coffee much better than the instant stuff.

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